Birthdate: October 29, 1947 URS March 24, 2024

One of Murshid Sam’s close mureeds, Zeinob Claire Burnham, who actually lived for a time with him and Wali Ali at the Mentorgarten, died yesterday, March 24, 2024.
As well as being a loyal mureed of Murshid Sam, and later initiated as a Khalifa by Pir Moineddin, she was a devoted Tibetan Dharma practitioner and Santa Cruz/Capitola, CA center leader in the Kagyu tradition. It was through her that Lama Dudjom Dorje became a regular visitor and teacher at many of the Mendocino sufi camps.
Please pray for her immediate Liberation from Samsara and auspicious transition through the Bardo period of the Tibetan tradition she followed.
Much love,
I found a long interview on Zeinob remembering Murshid Sam in 1976… here is the link:–zeinob
What and kind and gentle soul was Zeinob Burnham! She was the center leader of the Santa Cruz community for a number of years, when I was in that community in the late 1970s. We became great friends as she guided me in the most refined directions that she exemplified. The last time I saw her in person was for the 40th anniversary of Murshid SAM’s Urs, January 2011. I had flown in from Nevada to stay with Kakuli Ballinger and attend the Urs, and Zeinob drove up from Santa Cruz to join us for dinner at a lovely Thai restaurant in the East Bay area near the church where the celebration was held. We had a sublime evening of companionship and renewal with so many old friends. Blessed journey, Bhodisattva!
Zeinob Clair
What a lovely, compassionate
lady who lived in the back room
with Murshid until she had her
beloved son.
You loved!
You loved!
Dearest Friend,
Today (5.10.2024) is the day that both the Sun and Moon are in their exaltation and you are close to completing your 49 day bardo journey, which will end on Mother’s Day. I told your daughter. How very like your exquisite sense of timing all the way to the end! There is too much to say to honor a 50+ year friendship in words, the grace of what must be our mutual good karma that brought our paths together and will, no doubt, continue…
So till we meet again, Bodhisattva, our love goes with you.