Hazrat Inayat Khan
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- Dawn Bari Jacobs on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Madhzub Dershem on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Gayatri Hull on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Musawwira Beverly Decker on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Brigitte Lakshmi on Mischka Ulrike Malika Ananda Heinze
- Gayatri Hull on Mirabai Chrin
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I am holding you close to my heart this day, 10-29-11. I will bring your picture to sit on an altar at Murshida Taj’s tonight, as we honor and remember those beloveds who have passed to the next world. You continue to inspire me to transform in Love, without reservation !!
I can only say that the work you did with me many years ago, saved my life. Thank you. I am forever grateful for the healing you offered to me. I have been taking a writing class at The Garden and memories have been brought up. Your picture above the alter brought peace.