URS: March 26, 2018
Our beloved friend and fellow mureed Muraq’abba Mike Monahan, from Farmington ME, died on Monday night.
Many of us in the NE Sufi / Dance world know him well, but if you don’t, you have most likely seen his beautiful calligraphy work of the 99 names in Physicians of the Heart.He was a master calligrapher, dearly loved his children, grandchildren, extended family and many friends, was a great Dance leader, guitar player, ran a sign shop with his son, built a public labyrinth in his back yard, every year made and gave away a calendar full of his art and humor ,… He was generous and loved life. Muraq’abba has been in the heart of the NE Sufi community for ages! So many of us have his art on our walls, wear his T-shirts, and have his Alhumdulillah/Allah transfers on our cars!He suffered a stoke a few years ago though he still got around quite well. Recently he had some further health issues, though his death comes as a surprise.
Please hold him in your prayers and wish him an easeful and peaceful transition as he journeys on.All love to his family, and to his many friends near and far.If you feel so moved, sing /recite Ya Salaam, with bells on. Fly free dear Muraq’abba!
His family is planning a life celebration in ME sometime this summer.
We are likely to hold some kind of a memory circle here locally (Cambridge), but its too early as to when and where.
with love,