Born: 26/07/1968 URS: 02/10/2024

Mischka Malika Ananda Heinze
Mischka Malika Ananda, ~ a longstanding mureed and a devoted Dancer of the Dances of Universal Peace and the Abwun. She was also very connected to the Earth, and loved the connection that we find in the Dances from the Indigenious Traditions that honour and respect our Mother Earth. She loved these practices and the intimacy they brought her with The One. Freedom, Compassion and Acceptance were very important to her, the Truth that even though we ‘break our vows, maybe 10,000 times’ we will still be welcome.
She has also been ‘dancing’ with cancer these last years… intense times of pain, medical and alternative treatmenst and some times of relief. During this time her sadness was often that she couldn’t manage to join us at meetings any more, she couldn’t make the journeys to get to the larger gatherings, however, she maintained high spirits and was often so pleased with the small gifts life offers.
She loved her sons deeply. She was a passionate and dedicated teacher at a Waldorf kindergarten. She loved the garden, the birds and the flowers. She was a radiant light-filled soul, strong and tender, wise and beautiful, and a great sister to all who got to know her.
The ‘dance’ with cancer became suddenly more acute, the pain more intense in the last week or so. She found that when she could maintain her spiritual practice and be in the present, with the Presence, the pain would subside… when the mind-world broke through again the pain was immediately present again. What a beautiful lesson she offeres us all.
We are so sorry that she had to leave us so soon, and we know she will be Dancing in the heavenly realms.
Ya Hayyoo Ya Salaam Sweet Sister, the years we walked together were all too short, and seeing each other ‘in the real’ was often impossible because of your health situation… and we practiced together, and we felt and knew that Love knows no distance and no separation.
I thank you and honour you for all you did, and have done, and are doing now, with great Love ZubinNur
Liebe Mischka,
nun bist du also auf der anderen Seite…..
wir haben in den letzten Jahren immer wieder mal über den Tod gesprochen und du warst in meinen Veranstaltungen zu diesem Thema – hast dich eingebracht mit dem, was dich bewegte.
Ich erinnere unser Miteinander gerne! Du warst einfach immer sehr ehrlich, authentisch und direkt. Es hat Freude gemacht, sich mit dir auszutauschen! Ich erinnere sehr gerne unseren Abend vor 2 Jahren, als ich bei dir übernachtet habe. Du hattest lecker gekocht und wir hatten ernste und ebenso freudige Themen und haben auch viel gelacht.
Und du warst einfach ein Teil unsere Tanzfamilie – nun tanzt du af der anderen Seite. In unseren Herzen und Erinnerungen hast du einen liebevollen Platz und im großen Tanz des Lebens bleiben wir verbunden! Mögest du in Frieden und im Licht sein!
In stiller Verbundenheit
Dear Mischka,
So now you’re on the other side…..
In recent years, we have talked about death from time to time and you have been at my seminars on this topic – you have contributed with what moved you.
I have fond memories of our time together! You were always very honest, authentic and direct. It was a pleasure to talk to you! I have very fond memories of our evening 2 years ago when I spent the night at your place. You cooked delicious food and we had serious and even so joyful topics and also laughed a lot.
And you were simply a part of our dance family – now you’re dancing on the other side. You have a loving place in our hearts and memories and we will remain connected in the great dance of life! May you be at peace and in the light!
With love
Ich hab lange nicht mehr mit Mischka Ananda getanzt, in meinem Herzen war sie oft dabei. Verbunden waren wir auch durch die Gedichte von Hilde Domin, eines möchte ich hier teilen.
Tanz weiter, Du Schöne!
It’s been a long time since I have danced with Mischka Ananda, she was often with me in my heart. We were also connected by the poems of Hilde Domin, I share one of it below.
Dance on, beautiful woman!
Wir werden eingetaucht
und mit dem Wasser der Sintflut gewaschen
Wir werden durchnäßt
bis auf die Herzhaut
Der Wunsch nach der Landschaft
diesseits der Tränengrenze
taugt nicht
der Wunsch den Blütenfrühling zu halten
der Wunsch verschont zu bleiben
taugt nicht
Es taugt die Bitte,
daß bei Sonnenaufgang die Taube
den Zweig vom Ölbaum bringe
Daß die Frucht so bunt wie die Blume sei
daß noch die Blätter der Rose am Boden
eine leuchtende Krone bilden
Und daß wir aus der Flut
daß wir aus der Löwengrube und dem feurigen Ofen
immer versehrter und immer heiler
stets von neuem
zu uns selbst
entlassen werden
Hilde Domin