Hazrat Inayat Khan
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- Ka (HayraFatah) on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Baqia Shelley Burns on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Dawn Bari Jacobs on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Madhzub Dershem on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
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Selim was a true bodhisattva, always helping others and using all of his training in the military to run the Abwoon bookshop with precision. He also took great care in answering each person individually when they had a query, no matter how odd the latter might seem. Many of us remember him at the annual Lama Dance Camps in the 80s and 90s, always willing to be of service, putting up tents, clearing fire brush and, of course, running the bookshop, which he transported in his white truck with camper van.
Selim is also responsible for one of the few, in my opinion, authentic Native American Dances, in his version of “Niney na huna….” (We Circle Around), which came out of his deep personal study with several Native teachers.
It has been a great privilege to know him, and we wish him a good road, and good fishing, on his further blessing way. For those of you who are healing conductors, please add him to your lists with Ya Salamo. Ya Hayyo Ya Qayoom! Till we meet again, Bodhisattva!
Love and blessings, Saadi
Wow! He might have been a Leo with the amount of Light, Laughter, and Love that poured out of him every time we met.
He Dances in all our hearts.
Love and Ya Shakur,