Hazrat Inayat Khan
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- Musawwira Beverly Decker on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Brigitte Lakshmi on Mischka Ulrike Malika Ananda Heinze
- Gayatri Hull on Mirabai Chrin
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Beloved Khannah, Friend of the Friend,
Precious Sister, Wise and Unique blend
Lived with cancer that crumbled her bones,
Now on her way to celestial homes.
Beloved I’ll miss you here on this earth
Miss cherishing your Joy and your amazing worth
Your songs live on within many a heart
Your precious radiance, you bore your part.
A vision manifester, you of dreams fulfilled
Building community, homes self-build,
Amazing Woman of Wisdom and Light
Your Light shines on through day and night.
You are the Precious One, gone on ahead,
The wine of Abwun could go to your head,
Living your Love, Wise Shaman Woman – the best
With friends everywhere North, East, South and West.
Goddess speed on your way most Precious Beloved
The One called you back, for you are most lovéd,
Thanks for your love, support and laughter
I’ll met you there, where there’s love ever after.
Khannah taught us the tune, chant, and her dance to ‘Elohai neshama’ many years ago when visiting UK. I have since used it at both my mother and father’s funerals. The first time with my brother Martin playing his harp and me singing, and the second time with a group of 15 women singing it with Khannah’s harmony, as the coffin sank out of sight. Elohai, neshama shenatata bi t’horah hi ???? ???????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ???????
My God, the soul you have given me, she is pure
Conventionally a morning prayer, but a beautiful reminder at the end of any life. An example of how Khannah’s presence lives on and has spread far farther than simply our DUP family. Blessings to her family and beloveds, and on her beautiful soul.