URS date: April 14, 2021

Dearest Family,
This is to share with you that Jason Groode passed away at age 82, Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at 11:30am Maui Hawaii time.
Jason and his beloved wife Dechen are dear friends of the Heart, colleagues and pillars of the Maui Sufi Community.
As a remarkable team they manifested, managed and made Mau Sufi Camp the most beautiful and gracious sufi camp. Jason was a very close friend. Any time I or any of us would call him he would meet us with the most positive and joyful exchange.
We walked together, played basketball, bocce ball and always tried to manifest generosity and gratitude together.
At one sufi retreat on Maui we did the practice that Hazrat Inayat Khan had given Murshida Rabia Martin, of reciting YA FATTAH 1001 times every day. For many of the last years of his life Jason continued the 1001 repetitions daily!
We make deep and sincere prayers and aspirations for his Onward Journey. YA SALAAM!
And we surround our dear Dechen and all our Maui Ohana (family) with Love for this very sad loss.
Jason, your company was always a Joy, we will look for you in our breath and heart!
Much love,Shabda and Tamam