Hazrat Inayat Khan
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- Baqia Shelley Burns on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Dawn Bari Jacobs on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Madhzub Dershem on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
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Susan Emily Burman nee Goodman known as Arzani attained an undergrad degree to be an art teacher, and I am not certain she ever used it: after college she relocated from New Jersey to Greenwich Village NYC and took up modern dance classes w Erik Hawkins and company. She gravitated to California and was briefly a secretary at Esalen Institute, then moved to San Francisco and became a secretary at SF General Hospital. She became a murid of Melvin Meyer and was part of the group of his murids that shared an apartment building on Church St. We met in downtown SF in the 1970s, when she invited me to the Sufi Healing circle conducted by Abdul Aziz Bartley and Mary Shafia, after she noticed I endured a hand injury. We both became founding members of Khan’qah S.A.M. in the Mission, where she became a personal secretary to Melvin. She and I had an intense relationship during and after our KSAM years, not helped by the rough-and-tumble atmosphere of the early days of that institution, which we briefly renewed when I returned to San Francisco after a year-long hiatus in Ithaca, New York. She remained a resident of KSAM for 11 years, and during that time she was close with Frida Waterhouse, and Joe and Guin Miller. We were not much in touch after I relocated to Oregon in the early 1980s. She earned an MA at JFK University in transpersonal psychology, but I do not know if she ever tried to become a professional counselor / therapist. She relocated to Arizona with her later partner Douglas (who at this writing in April 2024 would be ~67 yrs old? almost 10 yrs younger), studied Asian movement arts, and survived breast cancer. They later relocated to Ashland Oregon, where she took up Advaita Vedanta. She wrote and published a couple of books, one of them imitative of the Her-Bak series. I think most of us will remember her as a bright and bouyant and basically happy woman, a devoted murid, intelligent and light-filled. Blessings upon her heart.