Birthdate: December 6, 1952 URS: November 16, 2024

Qudsiyya Carol Gacek Schwartz was born on December 6, 1952 and her Urs was November 16, 2024. She was a mureed since the 1970s and lived in Acushnet, MA.
Her family remembers her as “a caring, nurturing spirit who left everyone she interacted with happier, calmer, and more fulfilled. She liked people, animals, plants, and nature.
She loved to be in the sunshine, looking at clouds or the moon, the beach, and gardening . . . She was a devoted office manager for forty years in podiatry, first with her husband and then with her son. She made sure all patients were well cared for.”
Qudsiyya loved her husband of 42 years and her two sons and was a beloved friend. She expressed her quiet kindness and generosity to all in many ways, large and small.
Her spiritual name reflected her pure spirit: gentle, unassuming, refined, having all the qualities of a saintly soul. In the words of Murshid, Qudsiyya was truly “a benediction to herself and a blessing to others.”
submitted by Lakshmi Barta-Norton