Purusha Sarfarez Osborne passed in the summer of 1981 in a head-on car crash in Ocate, NM not far from where the 3-week SOI “Leaders Camp” would be held the next summer. She was instrumental in making that camp get on Pir’s schedule. She is buried there. I was the camp director. She is survived by 2 daughters. I believe her Christian name was Susan or Suzanne, and she originally came from Florida.
We were dear friends. I was on my way home from the U.K. to be with her when I learned of her death, and then I diverted to the Boston Center for 2 yrs. She took care of the children during the abode camps at times, and we met in the alps camp in 1978. We worked at different sites during the World Symposium on Humanity in 79, me in London, she in LA, and she lived for a while in Ojai CA when that was happening. She moved to Santa Fe when the SOI HQ moved there. She shared many stories of the early days and came from the early Philadelphia Sufi group, which produced so many of today’s leaders. She had a wonderful personality, a penetrating glance, and shared many stories about the “sexy Sufis”, and the early days of the Abode, etc.
It has been said that Purusha worked with Noor-un-Nissa Inayat Khan in the unseen realms with children who had passed over “early” and did not understand what was happening with them.
Akhbar Quddus Cumming