Hazrat Inayat Khan
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- George Hoye on Yakzan Hugo Valdez
- Shivadam on Marisita Lila Mary Ann Gill
- Ka (HayraFatah) on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Baqia Shelley Burns on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Dawn Bari Jacobs on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
- Madhzub Dershem on Zakir (Siddiq) Richard Jacobs
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Noor, true to her name, is a glorious light on the Path. Noor was and continues to be a mentor and friend on the Path. She showed us a way to walk through life and even through the shadow of the valley of death, with courage and balance. Noor’s radiant presence lives in our hearts. She is a true friend. Until we meet again, Bodhisattva, rest, peacefully rest.
Noor Nicolai was and is a true beacon of light. She was a true friend, a retreat guide and a Shefayat.
She left us her rhythmic zikr version of the first Sufi thought
” There is only One God the eternal the only being none exists save S/he,” and an Invocation song of Prophetesses with wazaif and a refrain honoring Uma Khaliq Allah, Mother of Creation and Uma Shaffee Allah, Mother of Healing.
Noor “Thy Light is in all forms, Thy Love in all beings, Hu Allah, Hu Allah, Hu Allah Hu.
Only great love for a very loving being! She continues to be held in light.
Noor, bidden or unbidenn, her presence still illuminates