URS date: September 20, 2021
Fravarti Des Jardins O’Haire Breidenbach took her final breath in this world at 6:06am on September 20, 2021. Her health had been challenging for the last 32 years and this year was the hardest. At the time of her passing the sun was shining, morning glories were blooming outside of her window and the birds were singing a happy song. There is much gratitude that her suffering and struggle is finally over.
Fravarti became a mureed and student of Pir Vilayat in 1980. Throughout the years she led classes, Children’s Universal Worship, Universal Worship, healing circles, zhikr and worked on the staff of many retreats here in Tucson. As well as being one of the cooks for Pir Vilayat when he was in town. Her devotion to the message of Hazrat Inayat Khan was deep and it impacted her life in every way. The trainings she created for her students outside of the order were very much based upon the lessons she learned over the years. Many of her clients and students found there way to the Inayatiyya Order through her example and teachings. She was forever quoting Murshid and Pir Vilayat and took their words to heart herself.
The legacy she leaves behind includes her children, Sharia Des Jardins, Micah Des Jardins, his wife Jessica and their children Micah James and Betty Rose, Zachary O’Haire, his wife Nicki, and her youngest daughter Klaire O’Haire and her fiancé Forest Henderson. All of her children were raised in the Order and have taken the inheritance of the teachings of the Inayatiyya as the greatest gift their mother had to share. Fravarti guided many students and mureeds over the last 35 years who will also carry the work forward as they are called to do.
Fravarti was an author, and her focus was on health and healing. Although she wrote poetry when inspired and her last book was a book of her poetry. Below is the poem that she felt most clearly expressed her experience in her final days. It and other poems can be found her book of poetry – Azizam ~ Exploring the Sacredness of One’s Dearest Relationship.
Sacred Spaces
I belong to the One
who owns the lightening and the storm to the One who owns the rainbow
and the sky it graces
I belong to the One
who puts healing in the wings of angels glory in the souls of men
and beauty in our faces
I belong to the One
who turns night into day and from darkness, creates endless light which to infinity races
I belong to the One
who made babies smell like heaven and roses smell like love
leaving faint but sacred traces
I belong to the One
who is always present and always cares to the One who is creating sacredness for all time and in all places