Hazrat Inayat Khan
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When I first met Drolma. her name was Shirin. She was living at the New York Khanaqah, and she was an astrologer. I remember astrological conversation with her, as well as a mutual focus on light.
I remember her beautiful wedding at the Abode,
The last time I saw her was a most coincidental meeting, at a Festival somewhere in California, where she was marketing windows. I remember thinking that that was also something to do with light….
I don’t remember just what year it was, but it was when the movie Dances With Wolves was in the theatres. Aziza Scott gave a week or 10-day retreat in Pescadero, CA. We headquartered in a lodge set in an area full of big Redwood Trees and an old orchard. I like solitude, so I made my camp quite a way out into the Redwoods, while most others chose the orchard. On the first night there was rain and it didn’t stop for a week. My camp was dry and I was the only one who was able to continue their retreat outdoors. Shirin was the cook and she supported my solitude by making me up a little lunch every morning and saving me a plate every evening so that I could stay out all day and come in late for supper after everyone else had cleared the dining hall. I’d only met her once before and we hardly spoke the whole time in Pescadero, but we made a strong silent connection.