Birthdate: March 27, 1939 URS date: March 14, 2022

from Atum:
Dear Friends,
Our Beloved Cora has fulfilled her amazing journey of incarnation and has passed on. She initiated the coming of the Spiritual Guidance Wisdom School by organizing it in Amsterdam. For decades she nurtured and sustained the community and trainings in many ways with her abundant gifts and selfless service. In our coming meetings we will honor and remember her beautiful and unique way of being and her many contributions.
As you remember Cora, holding her in your heart, I invite you to consider the following practice, inspired by her Sufi teacher Pir Vilayat and his teachings on the landscapes of the soul. It is based on a Zoroastrian scripture called The Abode Of The Soul. Using your creative imagination, invoke the following visualization:· On the third day the personality of the one who has passed is taken to the crystal mountain where the Archangel of the Dawn abides. (The imagery is an archetypical and symbolic representation of states of consciousness.)
· Here there is a profound meeting and dialogue between one’s soul and human personality. The soul expresses amazing gratitude to the personality for manifesting its divine potential in one’s human life. The soul says to the personality, “I was beautiful but you made me more beautiful“ and names the many ways that occurred.
· From your experience of Cora and your love of her, open to the gratitude her soul is expressing to her wonderful human personality and great journey. Include your gratitude and love for Cora also.As Pir Vilayat often said, if you have once seen the face of someone’s soul shining through their human countenance, they will be woven into your soul.
Blessings and unmeasurable gratitude to you Cora on behalf of the Guidance Community.
Dearest Cora Barakat,
We have known each other for over 45 years, when we were both carrying our children in the safety of our wombs. How precious the times were when we co-led Sufi classes in de Kosmos….and now you’ve returned earlier than I have to the Cosmos where I am sure your soul is dancing in the ecstasy of the stars! I will never forget the times when we shared healing practices together, giving each other healing sessions at times of need. And I will never forget the radiance of your soul’s beauty, and the light that you radiated. To me, you have always been a beacon of truth. I look forward to the time when we will meet again – maybe not for that long overdue tea that we missed during COVID – but in the sheer light of infinite love!