URS July 13, 2018
Dear friends on the sufi path.
Our beloved friend Buzurg Mehr, Øivind Øglænd passed away unexpectedly on Friday the 13. of July at his cabin in the woods of southern Norway. Buzurg Mehr was a representative for both the Sufi Movement and the Inayatityya here in Norway; blessed by Pir Vilayat and Pir Hidayat. For many years he and his wife Munira participated in the activities of both branches, because he was a profound believer in the Message of Unity. Here in Norway he participated with his mother and aunts in the Universal worship services, that had continued to be held weekly since Murshid’s visit in 1924. In 2000 he founded “the Norwegian Sufi society” and supported the work in building new Sufi activities in our country. Buzurg Mehr had a deep connection with the tradition and knowledge of our Sufi history. He was a dear friend and companion on the path and we will truly and deeply miss him
Alia Arnesen, rep. in Norway
Dear friends,
I remember the time Pir Vilayat talked about Buzurg Mehr in Suressnes. I was deeply touched by his words.
So I feel connected and thankfull for this blessing that came through you
Buzurg wali germany