Remembering Murshid Wali van Lohuizen
5 February 1932 – 6 August 2023
Death takes away the weariness of life, and the soul begins life anew.
Death is a silent voyage to the port of eternity.
~ Hazrat Inayat Khan ~
Professional Life
In his professional life Wali was a city planner and professor in urbanism at the Technical University in Eindhoven, Holland. During his retirement he lived in the artists village of Laren, near Hilversum. Ref. Sufipedia.org
Murshid Wali’s Sufi Background
Murshid Wali was brought up in an atmosphere of Sufism as his parents were both direct mureeds/students of Hazrat Inayat Khan. His Father, Murshid Kadir, was instrumental in the actualization of the Universel Sufi Temple Murad Hassil in Katwijk, Netherlands. Wali was ordained as a Cherag, Sufi Minister, at the tender age of 17, and he spoke of his memory of the mystical experience of the Universal Worship Service.

The Dargah of Hazrat Inayat Khan and More
We are forever grateful to Murshid Wali and Walia for the dedicated service in overseeing the design and construction of the Dargah of Hazrat Inayat Khan in New Delhi, India. The setting includes the resting place for Hazrat Inayat Khan, a beautiful garden, a music hall, and a library.
How many times I had the good fortune of being warmly greeted by Murshids Wali and Walia when they were in residence at the Dargah!

Murshid Wali and Walia were so distinguished, and always appeared impeccably dressed for the hot New Delhi weather. They greeted me (and I am sure, every pilgrim who entered the gates of the Dargah) with an ear to ear friendly smile and the willingness to take time for a chat and a cup of chai.

Murshid’s Wali and Walia traveled throughout Europe bringing the Sufi work to life in the Sufi Message countries such as Latvia and Russia. There, they established dedicated Sufi Centers with many loving Mureeds/students.

A Psycho-Spiritual View on the Message of Jesus in the Gospels:
Presence and Transformation in Some Logia as a Sign of Mysticism
by Wali van Lohuizen

A Psycho-Spiritual View on the Message of Jesus in the Gospels: Presence and Transformation in Some Logia as a Sign of Mysticism, explores elements of mysticism in the words of Jesus. Four fields are analyzed with the help of two key concepts of mysticism: presence of the divine and transformation of the self. Analyses, semantic and otherwise, reveal alternative understandings on each of the four fields. Available through Amazon.
Farewell, Dear Friend
5 February 1932 – 6 August 2023
Surely it cannot go unnoticed that the devotion of Dear Murshid Wali’s soul was so deep that he came to earth on the date of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Urs, February 5th, and departed this world on the birthdate of Murshid Hidayat Inayat-Khan, August 6th.
Death opens a door between life here and hereafter.
~ Hazrat Inayat Khan ~

When Murshids Wali and Walia were still living in Amsterdam they invited me for a visit. I took the bus from Katwijk and arrived promptly at a spot where Murshid Wali met me. He took me on a wonderfully informative tour of Amsterdam walking by all the historically significant sights along with a ferry ride. We returned to their beautiful light filled home overlooking The Singel, one of Amsterdam’s original canals. There we were met by Murshida Walia. She had prepared coffee and a light, sumptuous lunch.
We sat there immersed in conversation that led us through the realms of literature, art, poetry, our respective fields of research, and most importantly, the Sufi Message.
As the afternoon turned into evening we could not yet say our goodbyes, so we left for a cafe on the Singel to have an early evening meal. There we continued our fruitful conversation into the evening. We all remarked how we felt enveloped in light and life and love.
Finally 12 hours later, reason took hold and Murshid Wali walked me back to the bus station.
Shortly after I arrived back at my room at the Savoy, the phone rang. Thoughtfully they called to tuck me in and say goodnight. Such loving souls, whom I shall ever be grateful for having known. With love and gratitude, Nuria