Date of Birth: 6/1/33 URS date: 8/30/12
Riding the energy of the August Full Moon and the solar tides that usher in the fullness of
Autumn, our beloved Elder and Teacher Murshida Mary Inayat Rhodes completed her work and
terrestrial journey for this cycle of her embodiment. On August 30, 2012, this beautiful cosmic
soul, dearly beloved by God and the Masters, Saints and Prophets, while sitting in her chair in
her apartment was given the command to return home to her Divine Beloved. So following this
command, as she had throughout her life, she consciously and masterfully transcended her
body and was elevated into the illuminated spheres of light. Upon her crossing, she was
immediately welcomed with open hearts by her beloved teachers and other great illuminated
souls, among them Anne Nichols, Sufi Amin Macko, Shamsher Beorse and Mary Magdalena.
You know that for Mary, this is another exciting journey, but for us it is a huge loss of a beloved
friend and loving spiritual guide and teacher. I know she regrets not being able to say goodbye
and explain this new and exciting journey to us, but the way of her transcendence is the way
she would have wanted it, simple and without fuss.
Know that Mary Inayat has not left us, she lives within us, and as any saint, she will come if
called, and even sometimes when we donít call her, she will still come when we need her.
You reach her simply by turning within and feeling her presence and she will be there. Please
do not grieve too much or try to call her back, for this creates a cloud around the departing
soul, but instead wish her well with all your heart and send her love and feel her love and light
in return. Truly for the departing soul this is a time of great joy and freedom!
On the inner planes, Murshida Mary Inayatís being is no longer contained – imagine how great
she is now, free of the limitations of the body and united in unfettered spirit with God and the
saints. Oh how we will miss her hugs, her voice, her talks and her ever joyful, optimistic and
stable presence in our lives, in our gatherings and at our retreats. BUT, I can clearly hear her
saying: ìdo not be upset or grieve but rejoice for I am free! I love you all
so much and I will always be with you – to find me, simply close your
eyes and think of me and I will be there.î
Moinuddin Christopher Clarke
The first time I met her she was smiling and she said to me, “I have been looking all over for you, I am so glad you found us!!!!” When I asked what she meant by this, she said “Don’t you remember us being nuns together in the children’s orphanage?” Then she hugged me and along with confirmations from other Fraternity of Light sisters and brothers, I knew in my Heart that I was home! She supported and encouraged me in two passions that were and are very important in my Spiritual growth – making and teaching Mandalas Luminous Symbols for Healing and Walking on Broken Glass; Transforming Fear into Love. When my brother was dying in 2007, she and the Elyria, Ohio FOL Center, enfolded me in a cocoon of sweet love and support. She gave me a practice to ease my heart and his dying process. When she died, I remembered her and all of the beautiful times we shared together in very vivid detail. She was the Matriarch of the Fraternity of Light and Moinuddin often said she was his Spiritual mother. She is, as Moinuddin said, always there with Amin and Pir-o-Murshid HIK guiding, loving and encouraging us. I feel deeply blessed to have found her, Moinuddin and my Faternity of Light family!!!!
Rahima Qalbi Ashki Cori Hetzel
We all miss Mary’s guidence and blessings. A truly wonderful being to know from experiance. Thank you Mary!