URS: December 7, 2018
Founder Michaël says goodbye to Michaëlshof
Posted on November 12, 2018 by admin
You know that you will die soon, but in person you still want to
meet all your loved ones. So you hold a ‘farewell party’. Michaël
Schouwenaar founder of the Michaëlshof did it. Saturday,
November 10 was a day with a smile and tear, one not to forget
Fortunately, Michaël could be lighthearted about it, during his speeches: ‘You
do not have to look at a depressed, sad, dying man here, because I am deeply
grateful that you are here …’.
Michaël’s health had deteriorated sharply in recent weeks. “Could the farewell party go ahead?” The organization
committee (the children Camiel and Roos and member of the board Cor) made a lot of discussions during the last
few days, because they wanted to have the party organized down to the last detail.
The afternoon opened in the center of the Michaëlshof. Michaël welcomed his guests and
expressed his gratitude for the time he had spent at the Michaëlshof, after which the song
“Remember, beautiful dream” was sung together. It was unbelievable to see how Michaël,
despite his illness, was able to captivate the guests with his beautiful speech.
‘Everyone has their own life, but everyone present here carries a
piece of Michaëlshof ‘.
Michaël was able to
articulate flawlessly
why so many people had come to this place in the last 43 years. The
weekly Wednesday garden team is about more than just rooting in the
ground. ‘Michaëlshof means equality, love, light and work on your
ego’. According to Michaël, the field still has potential for the future of
man: ‘To live in solidarity, equality, cooperation, peace and happiness.
We can not do that just like that, it is a constant practice ‘. Apparently
he knows his shortcomings: ‘I still can not do that, that has turned out
to be true’.
After the opening, a walk from Vatrop to Oosterland followed. For this, René wedged
a nice path from the terrain to the Wadden Sea on Wednesday, shortening the
distance for the walkers. In Oosterland, the Scouting canteen had been transformed
into a banquet hall for the ‘open stage’. The adjacent Ecolodge was used for the
‘potluck meal’.
Environment center Michaëlshof
Michaël says in the speech he gave about the quality of life: ‘Do not hide behind
someone else, your neighbor or the government. You decide it yourself and the
Michaëlshof is a great practice location for this.
At such a party it is of course a reunion
of old acquaintances. A number of people from the Sufi movement, who
visited the Michaëlshof for years during the Sufi summer week, were also
represented. On the open stage they sang passionate Spanish songs.
There was a nice compilation of family films from the Schouwenaartjes
and a photo slideshow about ‘De Michaëlshof-through-the-years’.
Sensely, Sonja (his first wife and mother of the children) sang the song ‘Home
is where your heart is / my heart is with you’. This was also the case for almost
a hundred party-goers at the dignified farewell party of idealist Michaël
Environment center Michaëlshof
Michaël Schouwenaar overleden.
Posted by AW on feb 16, 2019 in Nieuws van de ecodorpen , Uncategorized | 0 comments
In de vroege ochtend van vrijdag 7 december is een kameraad van mij overleden, de grondlegger en inspirerende kracht van de Michaëlshof.
Hij werd 73 jaar. Michaël was de laatste jaren ook een bevlogen lid van de ecodorpennetwerk-gemeenschap en nam sinds 2016 deel aan de
In juni dit jaar was huidkanker bij hem geconstateerd. Michaël heeft daarna zes maanden gevochten om in leven te blijven. Zijn lichaam hield dat niet vol. Zijn sterke geest wel. Tot het allerlaatste moment was hij nog aan het meedenken. Regelen. Discussiëren. Plannen maken. Zoals we hem altijd hebben gekend. Met humor en spirit. Rommelig. Wars van regels en voorschriften. Trots op wat hij had bereikt, enthousiast over wat hem nog voor ogen stond. Hij heeft het hele proces bewust en moedig doorstaan en heeft gelukkig afscheid kunnen nemen van al zijn dierbaren, vrienden en familie.
Zijn grote ideaal was een levendige woon- en werkgemeenschap. Gekoppeld aan een ambitieus energie-neutraal centrum. Zo is de Michaëlshof ook ooit begonnen in de jaren ’70. Doch ondanks alle inspanningen, toezeggingen en inzet is het er nooit van gekomen. Door tegenslag, een andere tijdgeest, teveel bureaucratie. Maar dat maakte hem juist alleen maar strijdbaarder. De Michaëlshof, zíjn Michaëlshof, werd en bleef een plek voor iedereen. Vrijhaven voor wie zich even wilde terugtrekken. Tuin en boomgaard voor wie houdt van werken in de natuur. Ruimte voor spirituele en tegelijk praktische invulling van persoonlijke behoeften. Waar nodig begeleid door de warme en menselijke opstelling van Michaël. Ieder houdt zijn eigen herinnering aan Michaël. Ook velen in het ecodorpennetwerk. Zo moet het ook blijven.
Geschreven door Hans Nusink.
English translation:
Michaël Schouwenaar passed away.
Posted by AW on Feb 16, 2019 in News from the eco villages ,
In the early morning of Friday 7 December a comrade of mine passed away, the founder and inspiring force of the Michaëlshof.
He was 73 years old. Michaël has also been a passionate member of the ecodorpen network community in recent years and has been participating in the
network weekends.
Skin cancer was diagnosed with him in June this year. Michaël then fought for six months to stay alive. His body did not keep that up. His strong spirit is. Until the very last moment, he was still thinking along. Arrange for. Discuss. Making plans. As we have always known him. With humor and spirit. Messy. Wars of rules and regulations. Proud of what he had achieved, enthusiastic about what he had in mind. He has endured the whole process consciously and courageously and has been happy to say goodbye to all his loved ones, friends and family.
His great ideal was a lively living and working community. Linked to an ambitious energy-neutral center. That is how the Michaëlshof also started in the 70s. But despite all efforts, commitments and commitment, it never happened. By adversity, a different zeitgeist, too much bureaucracy. But that only made him more militant. The Michaëlshof, his Michaëlshof, became and remained a place for everyone. Vrijhaven for those who wanted to withdraw. Garden and orchard for those who love working in nature. Space for spiritual and at the same time practical interpretation of personal needs. Where necessary, accompanied by Michaël’s warm and human attitude. Each holds his own memory of Michael. Also many in the ecovillage network. That is how it should stay.
Written by Hans Nusink.