Your site administrator, a longtime Sufi mureed, was inspired to create a repository for sharing memories of those souls who while on earth, traced their Sufi inheritance to Pir-O-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan.
There is a category index at the top of the page, organized by Orders. Click on an Order to see the names of Beloveds who have passed on. Click on a name to view one’s page.
You can search for any mureed by any name in the search box at the upper right of the home page.
Please feel free to add comments to existing pages by clicking on a name, and writing in the box below ” Leave a Memory”
If you would like to add a mureed to this site, please e-mail the administrator, Khushi Tanveer, at with the particulars and a page will be set up for that person.
Pictures are welcome! Please send them in an e-mail as an attached jpg file. Photos should just contain the person being remembered.
Guidelines for comments include:
1. Biographical information
2. Information about the person’s soul qualities, inner development, life purpose, etc
3. Ways in which you were touched by this person, or inspired by them, or enriched by encounters with them.